Tanda Documentation

Welcome to Tanda WordPress Theme Documentation

Thank you for purchasing our theme. We wish that this theme will help you in your works. If you have any questions or problems that aren't answered here, please feel free to mail at sales@creativedigital.tech

We would like to hear your feedback. If you found any bug/issues in our theme , please tell us. It will help us to improve the theme.

Hello and welcome to Tanda User Guide. In this file you’ll find how to setup, use and customize your brand-new WordPress theme. I hope this documentation will help you to build your next amazing website smoothly.

If you have any questions or issues with the theme, you can always reach me through our dedicated support portal https://creativedigitalhelp.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new

Please don’t forget to mention your purchase code in your support request. Officially I declared 1 days turnaround time, but usually I respond much faster

Let’s get started!

Last updated

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